
General Information
Embrace The Crown (ETC) is an empowerment campaign birthed by Ifediora. It was founded in response to the shamming of afro-textured hair. Using various avenues, Embrace The Crown provides our audience with inspiring and evidence-based content related to natural hair.

Mission Statement

Empower Black women to EMBRACE their natural hair and raise awareness about cultural issues that affect the afro hair community. We dare challenge the standards of beauty that consider afro hair to be ugly.

Why Embrace The Crown

Stigmas against afro hair can create feelings of inferiority, shame, and low self-esteem in women and men with afro hair. Hence, pressure to conform to societal norms is developed in afro-haired individuals resulting in them altering their natural hair to the texture promoted as beautiful and presentable.

On April 1, 2016, Embrace The Crown was founded with a purpose to celebrate afro hair, empower Black women, men, and mixed individuals to embrace their hair, and push for afro hair representation in various industries. We dare challenge the standards of "beauty" that 
considers afro hair ugly.

Meaning Behind The Name
Ignoring the negative connotations ascribed to afro-textured hair, calling it a crown brings glorification and destroy the stigmas around it.


Embrace The Crown strives to...
  • Empower Black women and men to EMBRACE and celebrate their natural hair.
  • Provide educational resources to our audience and create safe spaces
  • Combat and eradicate hair biases against afro-hair 
  • Be afro hair advocates and defend individuals who are discriminated against because of their hair.

Our Philosophy

Embrace The Crown believe women should embrace and feel beautiful with the body features God gave them. From a loving, tolerant, and educated approach, ETC will encourage Black women to embrace their natural hair.

Coming from a social justice perspective, we believe discriminating against anyone based on their physical form is wrong. We will speak against acts of discrimination and mockery Black women experience because of their hair, and advocate for more representation of afro-haired individuals in various industries.

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